With four confirmed deaths in OHIO from CORONAVIRUS, the state has taken many PRECAUTIONS to keep the numbers from rising. COLLEGES including MIAMI UNIVERSITY and UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI have moved to online classes and suspended face-to-face instruction. Cincinnati’s St. Paddy’s Day Parade and the CINCINNATI RED’S Opening Day, have both been cancelled/postponed due to the coronavirus. Even huge money makers, like the NBA, have terminated their season.
While it’s still hard to tell how the coronavirus will impact us in the long term, it’s become a subject that’s IMPOSSIBLE to IGNORE. While some are advocating we PREPARE to be QUARANTINED, potentially for months, others are saying the VIRUS is nothing more than a common cold.
The numbers of death rates are increasing daily. Most of the people who die from coronavirus are over the age of 60, and people who have chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes have a 5–10% higher chance of dying from it. The symptoms are similar to a bad respiratory cold, with fever and cough. Taking precautions now, the same way you might if there was a cold circulating in your community, would be a great idea.
- Wash your hands, more than you usually do, and consider wiping down surfaces on airplanes, public transportation, and at the gym with your own sanitizer wipes.
- Have emergency food, water, and medical supplies prepared (always a good idea).
- Practice breathing through your nose instead of your mouth. Nose hairs offer natural protection from airborne viruses. This is especially important for those living in big cities.
- Consider avoiding crowded places like airplanes, churches, theaters, conferences, etc.
- Make sure you are drinking plenty of water.
- If you smoke, it’s an especially good time to quit to protect your lungs.
In the event you or a loved one do get sick and need to go to the hospital, it’s important to prepare a list of your needs. Include your preferred hospital, your primary care doctor and any specialists, food allergies and preferences, and supplements and medications you take. Also indicate any procedures you desire or don’t desire. Additionally, you should name the person or people authorized to make healthcare and financial decisions for you if you cannot make them for yourself. We can help you prepare these documents in our office, either to take precautions against coronavirus or for any other reason. Please get in touch if you are ready to get this handled and would like our help.
We are here to support you making educated, informed, empowered decisions for yourself and the people you love, in all areas of your wealth, health, and happiness.
This article is a service of Krugler Law, LLC. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Family Wealth Planning Session,™ during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before, and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by calling our office today to schedule a Family Wealth Planning Session and mention this article to find out how to get this $750 session at no charge.